DJ Set Live at igloofest

montreal 2024

Experience the magic of Igloofest with me, right from the warmth of your home. It was a night where every beat of my heart matched the rhythm of the crowd, under a sky lit by our collective energy. This performance wasn't just another set; it was a heartfelt journey through my music, featuring both released and unreleased tracks that I've poured my soul into.

If you couldn't join us, don't worry—you're here now, and that's what matters. Let's relive this unforgettable night together. Welcome to the heart of my musical universe.

DJ Set Live in Montreal

As I navigate this thrilling phase of my career, I recently embarked on a unique livestream project that I'm truly proud of. Picture this: a surprise set, played and recorded on a stunning rooftop during a vibrant afterparty. This performance, brimming with energy and sprinkled with spontaneous, share-worthy moments, was a journey I’ll always cherish.

What made this set special were the tunes themselves – every track was an original, unreleased piece crafted by me, Mitch Oliver. Blending various genres in a way that defies traditional labels, this one-hour showcase was a labor of love, a collection of sexy sounds that felt just right for a festival atmosphere. It's a humble yet hopeful step toward my dream of connecting with a global audience. I can’t wait for you to experience it and join me on this journey.

The aurora series

The Aurora series is a journey through time, which merges my past and present. The 4 part video series showcases performances in locations that are dear to my heart and that have shaped me as a human being and as an artist. Each location represents a different facet of my life and has heavily inspired my music direction.